Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Another feather in Microsoft’s cap

What sets Oxite stand apart isn't its feature set, but the development team behind it - Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT).When the MIX Online team decided to create Visitmix.com, a companion site for the developer community, they decided to tap some internal Microsoft resources to assemble a content management system for the backend.Seeing the excellent results the development team determined to release the CMS - built on Microsoft's ASP.NET MVC framework - to the public as an unconnected tool.

Oxite is an open source, standards compliant, and highly extensible content management platform that can run anything from blogs to big web sites. We know this because it runs MIX Online. Microsoft faintly turns an interesting corner with Oxite,. It's free, open source and from everything I've seen so far, pretty darn impressive for a tool that's not even in beta yet.

For More Information : ASP.Net Development | Open Source dot net

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